
Dog stuff and blog stuff

I greatly prefer winter weather to summer weather. Like, maybe I have reverse SAD. Days upon days of cloudy weather doesn’t bother me, but, day after day of blistering sun makes me feel crazy and desolate. Stepping outside first thing in the morning to a full blast sun puts me in a cranky mood. Some summer stuff, like spending a day with a friend alternating between dozing on floating rafts and working out a synchronized swimming routine to “Man, I Feel Like a Woman,” is quite divine. Other stuff, like, oh, everything else, is awful. What’s good? Kids are out of school, it’s a thousand degrees, people keep trying to stuff me full of BBQ and then put me in a bathing suit – it’s a nightmare. Winter isn’t totally awesome, I’m not going to pretend I’m not freezing my balls off. I get cold all the way to the bone, I just don’t care because that’s why I have chi dogs and big blankets.

Speaking of chi dogs, someone would like to make his big blog debut today.

Weighing in at 2.3 pounds!

One half of the Tiny Twin Titans of Terror!

I may or may not have been in the grips of a fever delirium when I bought him from a couple standing outside Target with puppies in a laundry basket!

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce the hardest playing boy in chi business, Mr. Please, Please Don’t Pee There…

Gomez “Dr. Teeth” Cosper!


“Dr. Teeth” isn’t his middle name, it’s just his most apropos nickname. 

Isn’t he a ladykiller?!

acquitted gif

He’s a teeny baby, barely three months old, and he’s just disgustingly cute. Wrinkly neck, ears too big to hold up, curly whiskers! He’s the total package! Even Rowdy came around and now she’s a big sister.

Rowdy and Gomez

just big sister things

He’s a baby genius, he’s a big chicken, and we love the crap out of him. He’s kind of a willful prick sometimes, and not a day goes by where he doesn’t try to eat my hair, but, nobody’s perfect!


In other news, when was the last time you watched this?

This song and its video are one of my go-to cures for the blahs. I was feeling kind of blah this morning because of my cold toes and my poor, poor frozen succulents (RIP), but Diamond Dave turned it all around. It’s impossible not to laugh, and dance, and sing along! I mean, I fucking dare you to not AT LEAST do some jazz hands. You can’t do it. This is why we were only meant to have him for so long; if he had stayed on top forever we’d all be dead from high kicks.

What song always cheers you up? Do you agree with Jason that we missed an opportunity to name Gomez “David Chi Roth?”
