Bargain Beauty, Lips, OCC, Sephora

OCC Lip Tar All-Star Mini x 4 Set: Memento & NSFW

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Sephora, $20

Well, this is freaking brilliant.

This set is proof positive that dreams really do come true! Ever since I bought my first Lip Tar, I’ve wished for a smaller, cheaper tube. The pigment in their formula is so intense, a tiny bit goes a really long way! How was I ever going to finish a tube?

occ lip tar sampler

L-R: Memento, NSFW, Anime, Black Dahlia

The tubes in this set are small, 0.08 oz each, and they’re exactly what I wanted! Large enough to be useful, but small enough to feel like I didn’t pay for a ton of wasted product. I’m trying to show scale here with my little paw, but, you have no idea how big my hands are! Let me just say that the iPhone is almost getting too tall for my hands now. Does that help? The colors are good for a wide range of looks, and I think they show the vibrancy of the OCC Lip Tar formula really well. This set is a Sephora exclusive, and at $20 for four small tubes, when a full size tube is $18, it’s a really great deal.

To me, these four colors seem really accessible – they’re a good choice for anyone new to the line. They might seem really bright, but they can be easily blotted down. Besides, come on! Live a little! Are you going to go your whole life without wearing some insane lipstick? Brother, that ain’t livin’.

We’ll do two colors today, and two colors tomorrow. Starting with, what I think, are the two most useful colors, Memento and NSFW.

occ lip tar set swatch 1

Memento is a neutral, medium pink/plum. It’s bright, and sweet, and it would be a really beautiful day to day color.

occ lip tar sampler 1

You could wear this color with so many looks, in so many different settings. It’s versatile, and the most wearable of the four colors.

NSFW is a balanced, true primary red. This color means business and it is GORGEOUS. I have a super special place in my heart for red lipstick, and NSFW is about as straight up red lipstick as it gets.

occ lip tar sampler 2

Red lipstick makes me feel like everyone should look at me. ALL HAIL MY POWER COLOR. Red lipstick is my can of spinach. I put it on, and my beauty muscles pump up! I even commandeered my own attention in the mirror in this color. I’ll tell you this, I was very compelled to take a ton of pictures of myself wearing NSFW.

occ lip tar sampler diptic


Let she who is without a thousand pictures of her own face in her phone cast the first stone. There’s a reason that self facing camera is there, ok?

As usual, you’ll get hours of wear time from these Lip Tars. They stain like crazy, so if you don’t use a slow and steady hand WITH the recommended tiny bead of product, you could very easily end up looking like some dirty, Kool-Aid mouthed hillbilly child. That’s not a cute look. We want super sexy confidence power mouth, not “nobody cleans my face and I think Kool-Aid is the same as juice” mouth.

Part two tomorrow!

Buy the Sephora exclusive OCC Lip Tar All-Star Mini x 4 Set HERE.


9 thoughts on “OCC Lip Tar All-Star Mini x 4 Set: Memento & NSFW

  1. Suzi says:

    I am freaking out over this set. It will definitely be at one of the things I pick up with my 20% coupon this weekend. I haven’t tried either of these colors yet, but I have tried Black Dahlia. I thought it would look crazy on my pale skin, but I actually liked it. Can’t wait to see it on you!

    • Sarah Cosper says:

      It’s so great. They had another one that had 12 minis in it, but it was gone before I could get my hands on it.

      • Suzi says:

        Yup, I saw that one too, and I was waiting to buy it during VIB 20% weekend…I’m going to my local store tonight so I’m still holding out hope maybe they have one on the floor. Wish me luck girl!

  2. JCPC says:

    Ever since you reviewed Lip Tar the first time I have been meaning to go buy a tube. Now I really want this set. I love mini sizes! BTW – that red is gorgeous, especially on you!

  3. Your review made me smile so big! I got my lip tar minis set yesterday, I’m super excited to try them out for the first time!

    • Sarah Cosper says:

      I hope you love them! They’re really a lot of fun. Tiny and powerful! Sephora has a bigger mini set right now too. It’s callin’ my name!

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